eConnect™, one of the fastest-growing digital video intelligence companies in the U.S., has rolled out a new vaccine-checking integration for its digital safety automation system, eClear®. The integration will operate through eConnect’s ePass tool, a web-based, electronic visitor management and visitor pass software tool. ePass adds into the eClear® system and confidently screens patrons and employees for COVID-19 related symptoms, then keeps a record of validated individuals who received the vaccination.
Since December 2020, eConnect™ has worked with software development teams and medical professionals to bring one of the first COVID-19 immunization vetting processes to businesses in the U.S.
“Vaccine medical records have been around for years, and now that we are approaching a time where vaccine checking may be a turnkey solution to preventing viral spread, technology like eClear® is essential,” said Dr. Christopher Choi, Internal Medicine Specialist out of Las Vegas, NV. “The ePass tool, in hand with other eClear® capabilities, offers businesses a fast and accurate way to check people in and out of high-volume locations, and store the necessary information needed to monitor the wellbeing of patrons and staff.”
Since the start of the pandemic, eConnect™ has allowed hundreds of customers across many different verticals to reopen their establishments in a safer, capacity-controlled manner. In March 2020, the company deployed its eClear® solution to offer businesses health and safety automation capabilities including contactless temperature screening, enterprise software in the cloud, time punch integration, autonomous people counting, and contact tracing reporting. Designed and tested by U.S. technology and healthcare experts, eClear® undergoes ongoing testing to ensure accurate calibration of the system for immediate usage by clients.
Through ePass, eClear® offers businesses the ability to keep record of validated individuals who have received the vaccination by scanning a QR code into the system or filling out pre-screener questions to capture state vaccination records. Vaccination records can be loaded into many existing HR applications and gaming and hospitality technologies for incentivized compliance upon entry of facilities.
In December 2020, the Department of Defense released the first images of a COVID-19 vaccination record card and vaccination kits, and in January, the first round of vaccinations for COVID-19 was rolled out in the United States. Like the Polio Pioneer card from the 1954 trial, vaccination confirmations will be used as the easiest way to keep track of COVID-19 shots. Electronic Health passports have been a major part of the conversation on restoring normalcy to the U.S. economy, and though proof of vaccination is a good idea on paper, stringent requirements around compliance are needed, making it more onerous for businesses to tackle. Managing a new generation of vaccination recipients also requires new protocols in monitoring their wellness.
“More and more often businesses need to keep track of all kinds of records and background information on their employees and customers,” said eConnect Founder and CEO, Henry Valentino. “eClear® plugs into existing systems to make that happen quickly and accurately."
The eClear® system arms teams with the tools that they need to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases while keeping employees safe and facilities clean. Management teams should seek turnkey solutions that can quickly plug into their existing systems and provide benefit in the era beyond the coronavirus.
About the Author

Chris Swanger
Chris Swanger is currently the Chief Safety & Security Officer at eConnect. After starting in the casino industry at Barona Valley Ranch in 2001 he has helped hundreds of gaming properties deploy technology solutions that helped the operation automate processes, become more efficient and increase profitability. Before eConnect, Chris worked with Agilysys, Shooter Detection Systems and OfferCraft. Chris is an entrepreneur and has successfully started and sold multiple technology companies. Prior to his gaming career, Chris was a decorated chef, with a multitude of awards for culinary excellence. He currently resides in Florida with his wife and two kids.
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